I'm cranky today... but it's not my fault
Chum: Scrub, Answer your phone.
Me: Yawn
Chum: Answer your phone.
Me: Yawn
Chum: Where did you go last night?
Me: ??? Unless I'm insane, you were there. I saw you at dinner.
Me: Maybe the better question is why my televison's set to the morning news today. I awoke to the headlines, of: (1) "Rev. Wright to appear on PBS" answering questions regarding Barack. (2)North Korea/Syria, collusion and bombs (3) McCain in New Orleans winking at those horrible N.C. ads, calling Obama an elitist... (4) and Hillary. (no comment)
Chum: You're a nut
Me: Yawn... and I've only been up for 16 minutes. (oh, the answer to the Matt Lauer clue is England)
Me: methinks: Retarded idea to set my alarm to the Today show.
Chum: lol
me: Tomorrow it will soooooo be porn.
Chum: Scrub, focus. We didn't speak much. You were too busy being a Rock Star with some Indian guy. Clinton raised 11 million the other day. It's a record. Where's the momentum now, mama?
Me: We spoke long enough to hear you mention Hillary's money a few times... Good for her, maybe she'll be able to pay off some of her debt. btw- Go ahead and tell her to drop FL/Michigan thing... it's tired
Chum: Hater
Me: Wait a minute! Stop baiting me! I'm off politics, It's all about cartoons, videogames and porn now.
Chum: Answer your phone
That's what happens when you forget to put yout IM on mute :-P
Me: Yawn
Chum: Answer your phone.
Me: Yawn
Chum: Where did you go last night?
Me: ??? Unless I'm insane, you were there. I saw you at dinner.
Me: Maybe the better question is why my televison's set to the morning news today. I awoke to the headlines, of: (1) "Rev. Wright to appear on PBS" answering questions regarding Barack. (2)North Korea/Syria, collusion and bombs (3) McCain in New Orleans winking at those horrible N.C. ads, calling Obama an elitist... (4) and Hillary. (no comment)
Chum: You're a nut
Me: Yawn... and I've only been up for 16 minutes. (oh, the answer to the Matt Lauer clue is England)
Me: methinks: Retarded idea to set my alarm to the Today show.
Chum: lol
me: Tomorrow it will soooooo be porn.
Chum: Scrub, focus. We didn't speak much. You were too busy being a Rock Star with some Indian guy. Clinton raised 11 million the other day. It's a record. Where's the momentum now, mama?
Me: We spoke long enough to hear you mention Hillary's money a few times... Good for her, maybe she'll be able to pay off some of her debt. btw- Go ahead and tell her to drop FL/Michigan thing... it's tired
Chum: Hater
Me: Wait a minute! Stop baiting me! I'm off politics, It's all about cartoons, videogames and porn now.
Chum: Answer your phone
That's what happens when you forget to put yout IM on mute :-P
Labels: mindless drivel
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