Building. For the life I'm building.
One thing the last year has taught me.
Articulation is real
Motives are major
I'm in pursuit of a life that god wants me to live, that really comes down to motive.
The trappings that come along are a matter of articulation.
Having a soul that is pleasing to God. Means one who is communication with him. One who loves like he does. Treats people well. And kinda live in gratitude
That's less about what you do and more about why we do it.
More on that later because some things have to be about what you do.
Like loving my African, the monsters... You know.
But I'm also needing to articulate the space I'm going to live in.
Urban, warehouse open, high ceilings, communal, spacious, in the city, drive the car in. Have a trampoline, industrial kitchen. Luxury bath I actually use, gabled roof
Faith mission building is a great visual.
Skylights. Massive ones.
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