Starting Over, But Not From Scratch

I've been told I clean up nicely, but I wear a wife-beater everyday. Hopefully my truth is more fashion forward.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Got this one from some TV show :-)

"Men are lazy. Even if there is a great meal across town they'll usually reach for the nearest donut"

Of course this little diddy was uttered in response to the wonderment of a man stepping out on an inconvenient but fantastic woman with the local troll.

Tee hee...

But is the sentiment true? What assumptions is this idea based on? Why do I find it hillarious? Are there Historic examples? do I have personal examples? Why is this even important? Is it?How does it effect me, my relationships, my love?

I'm not quite so cynical. I kind think if he's looking for something a donut can't give him, he'll make the trip.

The assumption question was a good one though. (1) that this laziness only speaks to men (2) all men tend to have this trait, and thus are the same (3) there's a difference between a great meal and a donut (4) the analogy of food to women is valid. in other words, he's eat one way ergo, he'll fuck according to the same paradigm...

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