Starting Over, But Not From Scratch

I've been told I clean up nicely, but I wear a wife-beater everyday. Hopefully my truth is more fashion forward.

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Friday, February 16, 2018

If there's nothing e wrong

Good why do I feel this way?

If the African n isn't doing anything...
And even if this woman wants my man.
Which she probably is just toying with him.

Why am I hanging onto this feeling.

If I'm the only one feeling like shit.

And if my man loves me and if he's as good and wants to help people.

Why am I holding onto this?

Yes it stinks.
Yes it's inappropriate
Yes he should stop sponsoring her

But he's not.
And why do I feel...

Cheated on?

Why do I feel rejected?

Why do I feel, and push this into something bigger

If it's really nothing. What is she wrong with me?

Am I looking for a reason to drop him?
Why do I want this guy to get a job, but feel scared that when he does he will leave?

Why do I feel like he'll go out and find someone?

Why can't I feel c lose to him and improve our horrible sex life?

Is it just me. Ego. Controlling.

Is it because I'm fat?
Why am I so devastated by this?

Because there is something wrong.

And our relationship might not survive this.

And I have resentments.

I miss my meeting. I miss my friends.


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