Drawing while intoxicated
Last week: "Politics and Grits," an informal brunch with regular-people-friends. As usual, I'm a tiny bit bored with the conversation; so of course, I'm doodling.--- I'm drawing a fun caricature of Richardson's endorsement. It gets a little elaborate...(big bushy beard, text bubbles of "Si Se Puede" and "es un amigo de la gente") because these guys CANNOT get off it. Has Richardson always been such a lightning rod? Holy crap! The argument was major. Some called him a traitor to his race, disloyal, some luvvvved him. It was weird...
I thought it was funny. She didn't.

and "The Hellary phonebank"

I digress...
OK, next, one of my friends shares how she met some Clinton staffer, He was great and she's looking forward to working on the campaign. Between yawns I'm doodling her. In the pit of hell, phonebanking and practicing voodoo on poor voters...
I thought it was funny. She didn't.
I digress again,
After brunch, a few of us grab our computers and go hang with a bottle of wine. The conversation turns to the Clintons in general, and of course, Slick Willie's comments. (I don't share my opinion that the man is sabotaging his own wife. There's a gender thing going on with the group and I'm not gonna spark a fight). But the guy next to me asked what I'm going to doodle next...
Darling... I don't know why I said it... it just flew out of my mouth.
Me:"I cracked up when a friend asserted the Clintons are waking up to the fact that they need us a lot more than we need them... he thinks Bill should pay penance by washing all the cars in Harlem wearing an MLK is my homeboy T-Shirt." (It still tickles me)
They made me do it. I swear... hee hee..
and...they fed me wine and breathed down my neck the whole time.
Any whoo... your dear sweet Scrub succumbed to the peer pressure. Here is the result: First "Paying Penance?"

and "The Hellary phonebank"

Hee hee
Labels: art, mindless drivel, politics