Starting Over, But Not From Scratch

I've been told I clean up nicely, but I wear a wife-beater everyday. Hopefully my truth is more fashion forward.

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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lookie Lookie


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Saturday, October 4, 2008

A friend asked me to respond to the Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Humility. That's the word that pops into my head as I glanced at the serenity prayer for the first time. A very zen easygoing four sentences, but it has punchy words in every line; and the ideas they provoke are massive.

But I'll start with humility. Because although it's not actually in the serenity prayer, it seems to be it's overarching idea- and one that resonates with me.

I'm arrogant. For one to say the Serenity Prayer with honesty she has to leave her arrogance at the door, grab her inner humble and let go of some struggle. I'm not quite there yet. But I guess that's the point. One is asking God for a gift. If you have it already you wouldn't pose the question.

Let's move on, cuz I find I'm not there with many of there with most of the words in this thing: God, serenity, acceptance, change, courage wisdom knowledge.

Did I mention how massive these Ideas are?

God is just some big imaginary something with a temper. I know many people of faith, I've been the member of churches; but the God concept is a tough one for me. Seriously

Serenity is another really cool concept, but one that is illusive. The thing I wish I had when I can't sleep at night. It's the thing I'm always convinced is at the bottom of the next glass but never is.

I don't know what it is, to be serene.

Acceptance,- finally! an idea I think I have a handle on. I'm a pretty accepting chick.

Change I got too. But the Serenity prayer throws a twist in it. It refers to the shit you cannot change. is there such a thing? I'm stubborn and allergic to the idea I can't change shit. Unfortunately, I can attribute whatever success I've had to this quality more than others.

Courage- oh Nelly! not an ounce.

Wisdom- to me wisdom is "smarts based in experience." Since I don't have experience in God, serenity, courage, and all the rest, wisdom is going to take a minute.

Knowledge is the recognition of truth. So when I get some, I guess I'll know it.

So what does all that mean? When my friend learned I didn't know the serenity prayer, I was tasked to respond to it.

Four simple sentences that I've never read before I sat before him. 25 words that are so many peoples "falling back place"

I don't know.

My intuition tells me the Serenity Prayer is the promise of a gift. I guess you ask for it: Serenity, peace, satisfaction, perspective whatever.

But here's what I find interesting. There's also an implicit request for trust.

Which brings my thoughts full circle. If humility is the ceiling, then trust is the floor. You can't go higher than your willingness to grab your inner humble. And you'll never sink lower than your ability to trust.

I'm not quite there yet. But I'm Optimistic


Friday, October 3, 2008

I need a piece

... of Artwork

Laying my eyes on something beautiful is my therapy.

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