Leave me behind
We've got rich-beautiful-smart-put-together-folk in my family. I'm not that one.
I'm going to get you through the hard stuff.
I'm the aunt you ask for money because you know, I'll give it to you and not ask why.
I'm also not the aunt you ask for tons of money because I never have a ton
I'm the one that moved to NYC in a dress and flip-flops
I don't have a gorgeous SoFlo-DC-Vancouver place.
I don't bother with decoration at home
I'll leave my job and come take care of monsters because I love them.
I'll buy them a car so they can visit their Mom, who they love.
I'll sit with you every weekend after Bestie dies because I love you.
I'll sit with you through cancer because cancer sucks.
I'll sit with you if you are scared you get high too much
I'm the one who will sit with you when you are sick.
I'm the one who will sit with you when someone is dying.
We'll play spades because it's necessary
I'm not going to throw the grand party at my crib.
the house isn't going to be clean. and that's a problem.
I'll help you with the college essays to get you into Lincoln
I'll watch Attack on Titans
I'll buy you a car.
I'll read Neece Harry Potter in the nursing home.
But after I've gotten you through this hard stuff.
There are other more put-together aunts and uncles that you will love and take advice from.
For the fancy and ceremonial and elite stuff. Don't look back.
Don't worry that you don't seek me anymore.
Don't look back.
Look to the rich uncles and aunts to give the things I can't.
I know I gave the things they couldn't.
I love you.
Leave me behind.